Alien-Licker Hybrid – 3D Model

I created this guy in a couple of stages, the first one was just an experiment using a standard body and how much I could push the geometry in zbrush, then when I had a nice torso and an interesting head – with exposed brain and muscles – I decided to pose this guy, someone mentioned that he looked like a hybrid of the Licker creature from the ‘Resident Evil’ series and of course that’s what it is: exposed muscle and brain in alien form with a spiked tail

So I had to pose this guy and that was another experiment between the original model and the rigged one I had made originally in 3dsmax, I was obviously able to do it by basically converting the poses into morphs

Before my printer came a few people expressed their interest, which was of course very satisfying, so they gave printing it a try and it came out alright, I was a bit bummed until my printer came.

Printing this guy was initially scary: the complexity, the details, the thin parts and the problems I saw others had were not ideal, but almost immediately my support work shined. I had more trouble with the base than with the figure and it was actually one of the first figures I printed

T-Pose of the Alien-Licker – 3dsmax, zbrush, vray
The final painted version I made

I was amazed by the detail and it is also the first figure I painted after almost 25 years